The reasons why an electronic performance support system is beneficial for the users

In the rapid changing technological world experts tend to lose their status when new updates are made in the software. So how are the experts going to remain competitive in this present era? Yes an expert may be aware about a particular form of software application, but they may come across a set of functions or features they have never come across earlier.

An interactive form of electronic performance support system

Let us take an example as you are a manager of a team of experts. The experts are aware on how to use the various types of software applications. They are aware about the pros and cons of the application as they are able to obtain value from those applications or willing to help other employees who need some form of help.

But all of a sudden the software undergoes major updates and a set of brand new features emerge. They could be a set of features that the experts would not have ever worked before. Now the team is stuck and they have no option rather than pick the managers for help. Though they are experts in this application, but it is really hard for them to admit that they are not aware something about the application.

Being a manager of the team the responsibility lies with you to make sure that the team is productive and contributes to positive results as far as possible. The experts do not want any type of external help and being a manager you need to guide them on how to proceed. The question is you need to rectify this problem in such a manner that would turn out to be beneficial for both you along with your team.

Interactive EPSS leads to superior competency levels

There are some benefits that would be great for your company, what would be an interactive electronic performance support system which would be beneficial to the manager along with the team of experts. An individual who has completed knowledge or training in a new software would have less expertise in retaining knowledge that would not be sustainable in the long run. The team to address this problem can resort to the use of various types of tutorials and refer to manual guides

But the problem with this sort of materials is that they do not provide conceptual information. it goes on to assume a form of asynchronous form of learning for your team where they need to acquire external documentation  and apply it to learning on the new updates. The process could turn out to be tedious since they have to go back to and fro between actual application and the documentation to understand the steps in details.

Whenever there is a new feature release the process has to be repeated in itself. In no ways it may be sustainable. It is an obvious fact that people end up forgetting whenever the learning process is done and dusted. Taking into consideration that your team works with numerous applications on a daily basis learning to navigate the new set of features takes time and has a major impact on productivity.

For all these reasons the development of EPSS took place. An user is able to locate any form of information quickly and are aware on how to perform a task without any form of external support. Even better for  your team will be interactive EPSS. For expert users it may provide minimal amount of information and for all those people who are starting out in a new form of application. This means that the team would not require to refer all the information provided to the new users.

Interactive EPSS and continuous learning

It is fair to say that learning is a recurring process. There is a continuous need to learn and develop your skills in these modern times. Coming to your team who are experts in specific applications, a few of them may help the new employees to learn some aspects of the application. Obviously they would want to help them but if they are working in a larger organization this may seem to be an impossible task.

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