Best 3D Virtual Event Platforms

Virtual events have become immensely popular ever since the Covid-19 pandemic outbreak. Organizing events started to seem like an extremely difficult task, and the events industry appeared to stand on the brink of failing when the concept of digital events came into existence. With the help of virtual events, you can not only reach a wide range of audiences but also minimize your cost while maximizing profits.

Earlier, hosting virtual events seemed like a bizarre idea, but as the audience and organizers witnessed the countless advantages of the same, they began taking all big events online. Every organization, be it of any industry, has many vital events enlisted in its calendars. However, the sudden surge of the pandemic limited all the organizations from hosting events. However, now the times have changed, and the world has shifted to 3D virtual event platforms to host all types, formats, and sizes of events over an online venue. We have walked a long way from the phase when the concept of online events emerged, and now it has become a part of our everyday lives.

As the events industry evolves, the virtual event platforms refuse to remain behind in the process. The market is flooded with countless virtual event platforms with their own unique selling points.

However, the perfect and the most suitable platform for your online event is the one that provides you with all the innovative features and tools that can effectively enhance your event’s attendee experience. Let’s move ahead to understand the essence of a virtual event platform.

What is a Virtual Event Platform?

A virtual event platform is an online interactive venue created to host your event digitally. Different online platforms come with different sets of features and tools, designed with separate aims and purposes. While some platforms aim to provide an online site for learning, some aim to engage a broad community and enhance the reach of businesses. It is well-resourced with exceptional engagement and networking tools that keep you attendees enticed throughout the event.

An advanced virtual event platform also comes with proper data security and end-to-end customer support. All in all, choosing a virtual event platform for your event can be a task. Therefore, the best way is to predetermine your goals and then move ahead with the process of selecting an online event platform.

Let us walk you through the list of top 3D virtual event platforms.

Best 3D Virtual Event Platforms

#1 Dreamcast

Dreamcast is a one-stop platform that provides you with a comprehensive event suite solution. Once you choose the platform to host an online event, you don’t have to worry about any aspect of the event.

Dreamcast’s all-in-one virtual event platform provides you with countless exceptional features that help you make the best out of your event. Another best part is, you don’t have to compromise with any of your needs and requirements. It is so because all you have to do is take your budget to them, and they ensure to serve you with the best features in your budget.

The innovative networking, engaging, and interactive features of Dreamcast ensure a highly efficient virtual event where all you receive is positive attendee feedback and experience.

Following are some of the top features rendered to you by Dreamcast:

  • Highly Customizable Platform
  • B2B Meeting Scheduler
  • AI Matchmaking
  • Dashboard and Event Analytics
  • Business Card Exchange
  • Dynamic Device Support
  • Live Poll, Q&A sessions, contests, trivia
  • Photo Booth
  • Networking Lounges
  • Signature Wall
  • Fun Gamification
  • Social wall
  • Multi-Format Communication
  • And a lot more

#2 Eventcube

Established in the year 2014, Eventcube is another virtual event platform that provides its clients with various valuable features. From tools like white label ticketing and registrations to a wide range of event forms like virtual conferences, fests, fairs, etc., Eventcube is well-equipped to create all types of online events. The platform also renders you with the features of live streaming, networking, live chat, registration, etc.

#3 Tame

Tame is another virtual event platform that lets the event organizers create and promote a matchless event experience for a global level or target audience. The platform is perfect for the organizers looking forward to hosting large-scale events like virtual summits and conferences. Tame gives you your creative freedom to choose the best as per your own requirements. For example, you can customize everything from booth design to the number of exhibitors and speakers involved in as many sessions as you want. You can also create a branded virtual event experience to add more value to your event with Tame.

#4 ON24

On24 is a famous webinar platform famed for its excellent engaging capabilities. It also provides a virtual event platform that works the best if your attendees don’t exceed the number of 5000 attendees. It also renders you with networking and data syncing capabilities. Not just this, but ON24 also provides its clients with multilingual support, breakout rooms, sponsorship tools, marketing automation integration, etc.

#5 Filo

Filo can be your go-to choice if you are looking forward to collaborative virtual events like virtual kickoffs, training, interviews, workshops, etc. Filo provides you with customizable and engaging virtual event environments. It is also known as the flexibility platform as customers can personalize their events according to their requirements. Some of the top features of Filo are live streaming, embedded documents, agendas, registration pages, polling, custom branding, dynamic networking, chat and 1:1 messaging, etc.

#6 vFairs

vFairs is one of the leading virtual event platforms that provides you with countless innovative features. What makes it stand out amongst all other platforms in the market is the rich 3D immersive visual. That keeps your attendees engaged throughout the event. With the help of vFairs’ exceptional virtual event platform. Your attendees also get the opportunity to schedule appointments with other participants of the event. Another interesting thing about it is, it provides animated avatars for your attendees. And this works like a charm to keep them enticed in the online event.

Choose the most suitable virtual event platform for your online event. And host a memorable virtual event experience for global attendees.

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