Lead generation best practices – A glimpse

People used to do cold-calling and send numerous spammy messages hoping to get leads. The quality of leads for such approaches was poor.  

There are certain ways using which instead of you finding the leads, you can help the leads find you. How does that sound to you? 

In this article, you will learn how to generate leads for your business. With these practices, you will be able to locate the people who are really interested in your brand product and services.

Lead magnet that is hard to refuse  

We can say that the first step for generating leads should be to create lead magnets. Well, what is a lead magnet? 

A lead magnet is something valuable that you give for free to your prospects in exchange for people’s contact information such as their name, phone number, email address. 

For example, you can let people download a free guide, template, eBook, etc., in exchange for their information. 

Collecting the contact details of people helps you to stay in touch with those who have already interacted with your brand. 

If your lead magnet is truly valuable, people will look forward to hearing from you. 

Are you confused about what to use as a lead magnet? Here is a simple tip for you. Your lead magnet should meet the two requirements – being useful and relevant.  

Email marketing 

More than half of the marketers believe that email marketing is a great approach to generate leads online. You can connect with your prospective clients in a more efficient manner. 

To start with email marketing, as a first step, you will have to build an email list.  

If you do not have the email list and are not sure how to find email addresses, here is a way to execute this. 

How to find email addresses? 

You can use email finder tools such as Hunter.io, GetEmail.io, to locate the email addresses.  

GetEmail.io is an artificial intelligence-based tool that helps you to locate the correct email format of a person within a few seconds. 

If your target audience are working professionals, you can get their work email address from LinkedIn using the GetEmail.io LinkedIn extension.

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Integrate live chat to your website 

Live chat is an amazing tool to engage with your website visitors and an important feature in a website.  

When you are readily available for people when they visit your website, you will be able to guide them, understand their needs. 

Here is how live chat generates leads: 

  • Capture prospects’ contact information 

Prospects use live chat with an expectation that they will be supported, hence they will readily provide their information.  

  • Proactive interactions 

When return users initiate live chat, you already have their details with you; hence it becomes easy for you to build rapport with them.  

This way you can encourage repeated visitors to buy more from you. 

  • Available 24/7  

When you are available to your users during any time of day, you will not miss prospective clients.  

You must make sure that your customer representative team is available 24/7.   

Some of the other ways to acquire leads are paid ads, social media advertising, etc.  

Concluding thoughts 

With these lead generation practices, you can acquire leads. You need to try different methods and see what works best for your business.  

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